Triathlon is a relatively new sport, with the first triathlon being held in 1974. The sport is composed of three disciplines: swimming, cycling and running.
Latest Pages
- What is it called? [Jun '20]
- Fitness Components for Triathlon [Jul '18]
- Triathlon major events [Mar '17]
- Triathlon Anthropometry [Dec '15]
- What does it take to be a successful triathlete? [Aug '10]
- Fitness components for triathlon [Apr '10]
- Fitness Testing for Triathlon [Apr 09]
- Triathlon Photos [Nov 08]
- eTID Fitness Testing for Triathlon [Oct 08]
- Triathlon Bookstore updated [Feb 07]
- Triathlon technique
Did you Know?
- Triathlon is part of the Commonwealth Games too.
There are several varieties of competition from sprint triathlons to Ironman contests, in which the distances of each segment can differ, swimming ranges from 750m to 3.8 km, cycling 20 km-180 km, and running 5 km to 42 km.
The are some standard distances, for example the Olympic distance race includes a 1,500m swim, 40km ride and 10km running race.
More Information
- Fitness Testing for Triathlon
- Books about triathlon
- Triathlon Technique
- What is triathlon called in other languages?
- Triathlon major events
Related Pages
- More information about triathlon at the Commonwealth Games.
- Triathlon Polls
- Ultramararthon Events
- For more information about each discipline, see the pages for the individual sports of Swimming, Cycling and Athletics.