The men’s marathon at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games in the USA was won by South African runner Josia Thugwane. Here is a highlight video of the race, unfortunately it is in Spanish. See more on the men’s Olympic Games marathon.
Entries Tagged as 'South Africa'
Marathon Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games
June 13th, 2012 · No Comments · Athletics
Tags: 1996·1996 Olympics·Athletics·Atlanta·events·marathon·olympic games·South Africa·track and field·USA
2010 FIFA World Cup – Virtual Reality
May 18th, 2010 · 2 Comments · Football (Soccer)
It feels like you are really there in South Africa, but in actual fact they are not there themselves. The 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa has not yet started, but in this video you can see a virtual start of the matches with this preview of the IGN 2010 World Cup Game. I think I might have to get that, games have come a long way since I was first playing Tetris.
Tags: 2010 World Cup·computer game·FIFA World Cup·gaming·IGN·South Africa·video game