There are many factors which can determine success in sports. ESPN came up with ten skills that they determined make up athleticism. We revised and expanded this list to come up with our own 15 factors of success in sports, and have ranked sports on each of these too.

Each of the factors which make up the ESPN list have been ranked by the expert panel at ESPN. From these ranking lists we were able to determine which sports were rated highest for each of these individual components of athleticism.
- Endurance
- Strength
- Power
- Speed
- Agility
- Flexibility
- Hand-Eye Coordination
- Nerve — 'the fear factor'.
- Durability — able to constantly withstand physical punishment.
- Analytic Aptitude — ability to evaluate and react to strategic situations.
Related Pages
- Sports ranked by other ESPN factors of success
- Sporting components of athleticism
- A discussion about the Components of Fitness
- What is the Fittest Sport?
- Sport Specific Fitness
- Sport Specific Fitness Testing