Get a few unusual sports together, and package them as some sort of Olympic Games type event. That will give it some credibility?!
- World Alternative Games — first held in 2012, the games will be organized every 2 years. It consists of about 35 different events from Man versus Horse Marathon to the World Bog Snorkeling Champs.
- Baby Olympics — a competition for children aged between two and four years, competing in athletics, gymnastics, football, basketball and weightlifting.
- Redneck Games — southern alternative to the Olympics including a host of unusual sports.
- Nude Olympics #1 — held at Maslin nudiest beach in South Australia.
- Nude Olympics #2 - held in Queensland (then NSW), Australia.
- Nude Beach Olympics — held at Baker Beach San Francisco.
- Cotswold Olimpicks — ancient games
- Mud Olympics — getting down and dirty
- Scottish Highland Games — what's up your haggis?
- Rural Games — New Zealand event comprising a large range of unusual sports and games.
- Hemp Olympics — oh man!
- Wheelbarrow Olympics — an international sports event with wheelbarrows organized annually in Hungary.
Related Pages
- More unusual sports
- Videos of unusual sports