Here is a collection of fitness tests which measure flexibility. Which one to use? The list is separated into direct and indirect measures of flexibility. See the discussion and other information about flexibility assessment.

Indirect Methods
Indirect flexibility tests usually involve the linear measurement of distances between segments or from an external object.
Trunk and Lower Body
- Sit and Reach Test (general procedure and guide to variations).
- sit & reach — Presidents Challenge version.
- sit & reach — for the Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT).
- sit & reach — simple version for testing at home.
- sit & reach — backsaver version
- sit & reach — chair version
- Modified Sit and Reach
- V-Sit test
- Toe Touch — measure the distance from fingertips to ground.
- Schober Test — measures the flexibility of the lumbar spine based on the stretching of the skin over the lumbar spine while bending forwards.
- Kraus-Weber Floor Touch Test — can the subject touch their toes for 10 seconds?
- Stand & Reach — stand on a raised surface and bend forwards with straight legs. Measure how far past the toes the fingers can reach.
- Groin Flexibility test
- Calf Muscle Flexibility Test
- Side-Bending Test
- Trunk Rotation Tests
Upper Body
Shoulder Rotation & Flexion:
- Shoulder Flex Test — lift a stick over the head to behind the back, maintaining the hand grip on the object.
- Shoulder Circumduction — a sliding handle is held in the hands and passed over the head
- Shoulder Rotation: Acuflex III — lift a bar from behind the back, with the hands as close together as possible. The result is adjusted for biacrominal width.
- Shoulder Raise — face down with hands above the head and together, raise them as high as possible.
Shoulder Reach:
- Back Scratch Test — can the hands can be brought together behind the back.
- Apley's Shoulder Scratch Test — shoulder movement measured by reaching behind to touch the opposite scapula.
- Shoulder Reach Flexibility Test — can the hands can be brought within 5cm behind the back.
- Shoulder Stretch — can the hands can be brought together behind the back
Direct Methods
Direct flexibility methods measure angular displacements between adjacent segments or from an external reference. See also about flexibility tests using a Goniometer and a Flexometer.
Trunk and Lower Body
Related Pages
- About Flexibility Testing
- Sit and reach boxes — see what is available
- Flexibility / Stretching Exercises
- There is a goniometer phone app for measuring ROM
- Flexibility Test Videos
- What are the highest ranking flexibility sports?
- Flexibility Store — items to measure flexibility.