'Sit and Reach' Boxes are used for the assessment of trunk flexibility. Below are descriptions of several of the sit and reach measurement devices that are available (we don't personally sell these products, search online for your nearest store). There is a range of features, such as different scales and measurement units, and an adjustable baseline. See more Sit & Reach Boxes for sale, or you can make your own.
The Baseline Sit n' Reach Trunk Flexibility Tester Box
The Baseline Sit n' Reach Trunk Flexibility Tester includes several scales for different testing protocols. The scales are also printed in inches and centimeters. It is made of sturdy powder-coated metal construction with a built-in foot plate and a maximum stretch indicator that remains in place until reset. There is also a deluxe model which can also be used for modified sit and reach tests (you can vary the scale start point).
Athletic Connection Single Flexibility Assessment
The Athletic Connection Flexibility Assessment Apparatus is made from durable, powder-coated steel with a non-skid base. The foot plates fold flat for easy storage and transport. The smooth glide reach indicators have easy to read English and metric scales. There is a double version available which enables two participants to be tested at once.
Cartwright Fitness Sit and Reach Box
The Cartwright Fitness Sit and Reach Box is a heavy duty design made from premium grade powder coated steel. It comes in parts requiring assembly. It also features an integrated storage compartment. There is a sliding magnetic measuring scale. It has two baseline measurement protocols which are easy to adjust, just 4 screws to move between 15cm and 30cm baselines. 70cm scale range with 0.5cm increments. They also have a modified sit and reach box where the zero mark can be adjusted for each user, based on their sitting reach level.
BSN Sports Flexibility Assessment Tester
The BSN Sports Flexibility Assessment Tester features durable, steel construction with a non-skid base. The top includes four separate scales for use with The Presidential Physical Fitness Test, Fitness gram, AAHPERD, Cooper Institute and YMCA programs.
Novel Products, Inc. Acuflex I Modified Flexibility Sit and Reach Test Box
The Acuflex I Modified Flexibility Sit and Reach Test Box is designed to conduct the modified sit and reach test, testing the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles regardless of arm or leg length. It can also accurately perform the traditional sit and reach test. See it on Amazon.
Electronic Sit and Reach Tester
This electronic high precision sit and reach tester can record to the nearest 0.1cm, has voice prompts, wide-screen LCD display. Records the best of two attempts.
Sit and Reach Box (Alomejor)
This version of the sit and reach box was advertised on Amazon, branded Alomejor or Pocreation. This simple device comes unassembled. It is easily put together to make a durable and lightweight device, easy to travel with and compact for storage.
Make Your Own
If none of the above is suitable, or if you want to make your own, here are some instructions for constructing your own sit and reach box.
Related Pages
- General procedure for measuring flexibility using the Sit and Reach test
- About flexibility testing
- Buy a sit and reach box
- Make your own Sit and Reach Box