Skinfold calipers are used in the measurement of skinfold thickness and the estimation of total body fat. There are a range of skinfold calipers available, including this one.
Warrior Skinfold Caliper
The Warrior Digital Body Mass Caliper was one of the first calipers to calculate Lean Body Mass and Body Fat%. There are sensors built into the jaws for most accurate sensing. A unique 'beep' sound calculates results once accurate pressure readings are determined. Calculations are based on three skinfold measurements: chest triceps, abdominals and quads. The screen displays your last and current results for up to four users, so you can easily compare to your previous test. Cost ~$40.
This product is available for purchase: Warrior Digital Body Fat Caliper. These and other skinfold calipers are also available in the Fitness Testing Store.
Related Pages
- Skinfold Caliper Store
- Guide to Skinfold Calipers
- Take the poll about what caliper do you use, and see which one is more popular?
- Guide to correctly performing caliper Calibration
- Description of standard skinfold sitesand the Skinfold Measurement procedure
- About body composition tests and other Anthropometry Measurements
- Videos of Anthropometric Tests including Skinfold Testing.