Here are some ideas for you to create informative and interesting sports science fair projects on the topic of fitness testing. Science projects relating to sports are a great method for attracting notice at science fairs and impressing the teachers and judges.
Conduct a Fitness Test
These following tests can be conducted using basic equipment. If possible, you should also get some normative values so you can compare the results with other groups of people. It would also be interesting to keep a record of the best score of the day.
Sit and Reach Test
The equipment for this test can be easily constructed using a box and a ruler, and it is a quick and easy test to administer. It can also be purchased here. There are some norms available, which would be applicable for all ages. More info
Vertical Jump Test
All you need for this test is a wall, a tape measure and some chalk. For interest, you could mark on the wall the height of a basketball ring (10ft, 3.05m) and the world high jump record (80-1/2 2.45m ). The norms available on this site are for adults. More infoStanding Balance Test
Only a stopwatch is really needed for this test. More infoRuler Reaction Time Test
This simple test calculates reaction time using only a ruler and basic physics equation. More info

Analyze Fitness Testing Data
You can design a science fair project on the topic of fitness testing by testing a group of athletes or students, and analyzing the data. You can compare the results between different sports or population groups. Correlate the fitness test results to sporting results and look at ways that people may improve their performance.
More Tests
There are some basic tests that were designed for testing at home, requiring limited equipment and expertise, to be found on the home test page. For more of a challenge, some of the other tests on the complete fitness testing list could be adapted for your purposes. Good luck.
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