Here are some ideas for you to create informative and interesting sports science fair projects on the topic of nutrition, particularly sports nutrition. If you are interested in sports, science fair projects relating to sports are more interesting for you, are a great method for attracting notice at science fairs and impressing the teachers and judges, and are a great way for you to learn more about your chosen sport. Below are just a few ideas for nutrition science fair projects, there are many more possibilities.
Food and Drink Analysis
There are numerous foods and drinks made for athletes which claim to improve athletes' performance.
- There are always new products on the market that suggest that they can assist performance, such as energy gels, bars and sports drinks. You could compare what is in each product and look at how each could be beneficial for an athlete.
- You could also analyze these foods and drinks to see which substances they are comprised of. You could compare the range of sports drinks. Each has different amounts of carbohydrates (sugars), electrolytes, flavor. What role does each of these play and what is the best combination for a particular sport?
- Flavor is important for sports drinks, not only to make them taste nice, it has been found that if an athlete likes the taste of a drink they will consume more, which is better for their performance and recovery. You could conduct a taste test of different drinks, and discuss how this could have an effect on performance.
- Bodybuilders commonly use protein powders and other sporting supplements available from health food stores, with the belief that they can help build muscle mass. An analysis of many of these products may show that a similar amount of protein and other nutrients can be achieved through eating normal foodstuffs.

Effect on Performance
A great idea for a science project is to study the effects of various diets and energy drinks on athletes' performance. Many diets and foodstuffs claim to be beneficial to athlete performance - you can conduct an experiment to investigate these claims.
- There are many exercise fitness tests on the page discussing fitness testing science fair projects which could be used in a simple experiment in which two groups drink or consume a certain diet and you compare the effects on their performance in a fitness test.
- What you eat prior to exercise can have an impact on how you perform. For endurance athletes, carbohydrate loading has long been a method of preparing for events. For others, supplements such as creatine are used to try and give them an edge over their competitors. What is the difference between 'natural' nutritional supplements and artificial supplements that are banned because they give an unfair advantage to the athlete? Sometimes there is a fine line between the two. You can compare some of these supplements and discuss the ethics of what is fair.
- Recovery after exercise is also important. You could look at different methods of aiding recovery after exercise, comparing particular diets to other methods of recovery such as rest, active recovery, massage and hot/cold treatment.
- You could study how the different energy fuels such as carbohydrates, fats are used by the body, and the role they play in sports of different intensities. From this, you could discuss which kinds of foods and drinks are the best for achieving the best results in certain sports.
More Ideas
These are only a fraction of the possible sports nutrition science fair project ideas. You can browse through the pages of this site for more ideas. Sports science fair projects are a wonderful opportunity for you to explore the connection between sport and science. Have fun and I hope you create a successful science fair project, while enriching your knowledge of nutrition and your favorite sports.
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