Boxing is a combat sport where two fighters engage in a series of rounds, aiming to land punches on their opponent while defending against incoming strikes. Being a good boxer requires a combination of physical fitness, skill, and mental fortitude. This includes rigorous training in areas like footwork, punching techniques, and defensive maneuvers.
Successful boxers often spend years honing their craft, mastering the art of both offense and defense to excel in the ring. Boxing demands exceptional cardiovascular endurance, strength, and agility. Mental attributes like focus, discipline, and the ability to read and react to an opponent's movements are equally vital.
Latest Pages
- Fitness Exercises [Oct '23]
- Boxing Rules [Jan '23]
- Boxing Equipment [Jan '23]
- Boxing in other Languages [Jun '20]
- Anthropometry and boxing [Dec '15]
- History of Boxing [Jun '15]
- Fitness for Boxing [Mar '13]
- Fitness Testing [Jan '11]
- Boxing Heroes [Nov '10]
- Boxing quotes [Oct '10]
- Do you have what it takes to be a boxer? Check out the details on boxing fitness testing, and get to work on Boxing Fitness.
- Women's Boxing: With women's boxing now part of the Olympic Games program, there is more interest in this sport.
- Boxing Information: boxing books for sale and boxing polls. The name for Boxing in other Languages.
- New to the sport? Read about the basic rules and equipment needed.
- Boxing Resources: Boxing Quotes and Boxing Clipart
- Did you know? Boxing became a legal sport in 1901. Read more boxing history.
Related Pages
- Did you know boxing is a sport at the Olympic Games? See about other boxing major events, including the Boxing World Championships.
- Weight Management Strategies in weight category restricted sports.
- Boxing was rated the most demanding sport.
- Rate your Boxing Heroes
- Read about the unusual sport of Chess Boxing.
- Read the boxing entries on the sporting blog.
- Boxing clipart of fighters and equipment.
- Funny Boxing Stuff