In addition to the high level of skill required to compete in weightlifting, to be a successful weightlifter you need, among other things, good strength, power and coordination! However, which of these are more important? Below is a discussion about the fitness requirements for weightlifting, which can help with developing training programs for this sport, and for interpreting fitness testing results and determining the relative strengths and weaknesses of a lifter.
You Need to be Strong and Powerful
We have a poll about the component of fitness most important for success in weightlifting. Out of the options of Body Size and Composition, Muscle Strength, Muscular Endurance, Power, Speed / Quickness, Agility, Flexibility, Balance and Coordination, and Cardiovascular Endurance, the factor which is considered most important by the readers of this site is muscle strength with 50% of the vote, with muscle power also getting high votes. You can add your vote too, and see the latest results.
You Need to be Strong and Powerful, but Skillful Too
In a similar poll, we have asked people to rate the 12 factors of success for sports. Visitors to this site have rated each of these factors for the sport of weightlifting, and the most important according to them are: Strength & Power, Skill and Technique, Motivation & Self Confidence and Coping with Pressure Situations. You can also add your ratings of Which Factors Make Successful Weightlifters, and see the latest results.
Most Important Factors for Success in Order of Importance (data from 2018)
4.7 Strength & Power
4.7 Skill and Technique
4.4 Motivation & Self Confidence
4.2 Coping with Pressure Situations
3.7 Balance & Coordination
3.6 Flexibility
3.5 Body Size and Composition
3.3 Reaction Time
3.3 Analytic & Tactical Ability
3.2 Speed / Quickness
3.0 Agility
2.8 Aerobic Endurance
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- Weightlifting Anthropometry — body size and shape
- Powerlifting vs. Bodybuilding — What makes the competition different?
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