Here are some lists of what equipment you may need if you are setting up yourself to conduct a series of fitness tests. We do not sell these packages, the lists are just for your information and to guide you to setting up your own fitness testing service. I have made a basic and advanced list which will enable you to do a wide range of fitness tests.
For each of these items, there are often cheaper and possibly less accurate options available. You need to determine your budget and generally it is best to buy the best you can afford. These are just some ideas, there are many tests to choose from, some requiring little or no equipment, to those that require large expensive equipment. See our list of sample test protocols.
Basic Fitness Testing Package
- Anthropometric Tape Measure (for accurate girth measurements)
- Height Measure (stadiometer or tape measure to pin to the wall)
- Skinfold Caliper (Slim Guide, Harpenden)
- Blood Pressure Monitor
- Bodyweight Scales
- Sit & Reach Box
- Heart Rate Monitor
- Step Test Box
Advanced Items
In addition to the above items, here are a few more pieces of equipment that would be useful for a testing laboratory:
- Handgrip Dynamometer
- Body Composition Analyzer
- Exercise cycle or treadmill
- Vertec (or other vertical jump measurement device)
- Timing gates (for speed testing)
- Force plate
- Mini Peak Flow Meter (to measure lung function) or Spirometer (for more advanced lung function testing)
Related Pages
- More Testing Equipment
- A Home Fitness Testing Kit — the basics required for you to test yourself at home.
- See the Nike SPARQ Test Pro fitness testing and training shoe.
- Example test protocols
- All-in-one fitness testing machines — one piece of equipment which does a range of fitness tests
- Calibrating fitness testing equipment.
- Make your own vertec and sit and reach box
- Fitness Test Results Recording Sheet — standard blank sheet for recording results.