There is a lot more pieces of equipment needed to compete in archery than just a bow and arrow. Here are some other the other pieces of equipment needed. Note that the actual equipment needed may vary depending on the level of play, the style of archery, and the preferences of the archer. For example, some archers may prefer to use a traditional longbow, and in that case, additional equipment like the leather quiver, finger guard and arrow rest may be needed.
A bow is the device used to shoot the arrows. There are two main styles of bow used today, recurve or compound bow. Which one used will depend on the preference of the archer (see About Archery Bows and the article on Choosing the Right Archery Bow). The bowstring is a string used to attach the arrow to the bow, typically made of high-strength synthetic fibers.
The arrow is a straight, thin projectile made of aluminum, carbon fiber, or wood, with a pointed tip and feathers or vanes at the other end (see the Archery Arrow Overview). The arrow quiver is the container used to hold the arrows and carry them while shooting. See also the article Selecting Good Archery Arrows.

Other Equipment
- Armguard: A protective device worn on the forearm of the bow arm to protect from the bowstring slap.
- Finger Tab: A leather or synthetic material worn on the fingers to protect from the bowstring and provide a smooth release.
- Sight: An attachment on the bow used to aim the arrow more accurately.
- Stabilizer: An attachment on the bow used to reduce bow vibration and improve accuracy. See the article on Choosing the Right Archery Stabilizer.
- Target: A circular board made of synthetic materials or straw, with different color rings and points allocated to each ring.
- Target Stand: A stand used to hold the target at a proper distance from the archer.
- Rangefinder: used to get an accurate measure of the target range, plus they can provide a clear view at long-distances (see Do You Need A Rangefinder for Bow Hunting?)
- Silencers: enables silent draw backs and reduces noise and friction.
- Bow Stand: A stand used to hold the bow when not in use.
Related Pages
- Discussion about the Different Types of Archery Accessories
- Summary of the sport of archery
- The Basic Rules of Archery
- Seeing in the Dark: The Latest Technology in Night Vision Binoculars for Hunters
- Archery home