Here is a list of acronyms for sport science organizations. See more about some of the major sport science associations. See also our list of sport science institutions and fields of study with links to some courses. Please let me know if anything needs correcting or needs adding.
Sport Science Organizations
- AAESS — The Australian Association for Exercise and Sport Science.
- ACSM — American College of Sports Medicine
- AESA - Asian Exercise and Sport Science Association.
- AIESEP - Association Internationale des Ecoles Superieures d'Education Physique (International Association of Colleges of Physical Education)
- ASCPES - Asian Society of Comparative Physical Education and Sport
- ASIA - Association of Sports Institutes in Asia
- BASEM - British Association of Sport & Exercise Medicine
- BASES — British Association of Sports and Exercise Sciences.
- BRICSCESS — BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Council of Exercise and Sports Science.
- CIES - International Centre for Sports Studies, an independent study centre located in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
- CSEP - Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology
- ECSS - European College of Sport Science.
- EGREPA - European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity
- ESSA - Exercise & Sports Science Australia
- ESSKA - European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy
- FEPSAC - European Federation of Sport Psychology.
- FIEP - Federation Internationale D'education Phisique.
- HESTA - Health and Exercise Science Technologists Association
- ICSSPE - International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education.
- INDER - National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (Cuba)
- ISAFA - The International Science and Football Association
- ISBS - International Society of Biomechanics in Sports
- ISPAS - International Society of Performance Analysis in Sport
- ISPRM - International Society for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
- ISSA - International Sports Sciences Association
- NASPSPA - North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity.
- NSCA - National Strength and Conditioning Association
- PAA - Physical Activity Australia
- SESNZ - Sport and Exercise Science New Zealand
- SHAPE - Society of Health And Physical Educators.
- SMA — Sports Medicine Australia
Related Pages
- Major Sport Science Organizations
- Sport Science Journals and Sport Science Conferences
- Elite Training Centers — details about many of the elite sports institutes and training centers from around the world.
- Sport Science Educational Institutes — sports universities and sport science faculties.
- list of sport science fields of study