Wrestling had one of the shortest Paralympic Games career of all sports, it featured in just two successive Games, in 1980 and 1984. At both these games there were only men’s events. Each event was separated by weight class, which ranged from 48kg to 100kg. The sport was highly dominated by the Americans, in what was a short life time.
It is unknown why the sport was removed, and sets it amongst basketball id, lawn bowls, snooker, dartchery and weightlifting in the list of some of the discontinued summer Paralympic sports.
While wrestling did feature in the Paralympic Games, the rules and regulations of the sport were very similar to that of able-bodied wrestling.
The aim of the game was simple, earn as many points as possible in order to beat your opponent. Points were scored for performing specific movements that bring opponents to the floor, to get them in a hold or have an upper hand on them.
Related Pages
- List of sports at the Paralympics
- Wrestling at the Olympics
- List of Sports for Athletes with Disabilities
- Discontinued Paralympic Sports
- More about wrestling sports
- Complete list of sports
- Main Paralympics page