As with many Chinese cities, there has been a recent history of traffic congestion. Therefore, Beijing authorities have made reducing traffic congestion one of their major priorities in the lead up to the 2008 Games. More cars on the road is adding to their pollution problem, but there are other issues with increased traffic.
The number of cars on the road in Beijing is increasing by more than 1000 each day. With the number of new cars on the road, come more new and inexperienced drivers. Athletes, officials and tourists visiting Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games can expect delays in getting to places. For those who choose to take the walking option, there is a real danger crossing roads.
For the duration of the Olympic Games, authorities blocked off certain areas to decrease pollution from traffic. Criticism of such measures may is that it had the undesirable effect of shunting traffic to other areas and making it difficult to get to some locations.
Related Pages
- Other issues such as the heat and pollution
- China at the Olympic Games
- Information about the 2008 Games