Territory Ball is a new sport created by Nathan Phillips, USA in December 2021. The aim of Territory Ball is to keep the ball in your territory as long as possible.
Sport Summary
Each team attempts to kick the ball into their own end zone, or territory. Once there, they try to keep it there as long as possible. Every thirty seconds that the ball is kept in the territory, ten points are awarded.
The opposing team tries to knock the ball out of the territory and push it down the field into their own territory. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins. Play doesn't stop unless the ball goes out of bounds or the ref stops the clock.
Sport Rules
There are ten players on each team. The field is a 120 yards in total length, with the territories making up 10 yards each. There are two thirty minute halves, and a fifteen minute half-time in between.
If the ball goes out of bounds, it will be thrown in. Otherwise, players are not allowed to pick the ball up with their hands, they cannot kick or trip another player, they cannot pull another player's shirt, they cannot tackle another player, they cannot delay the restart of play, they will be penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct. Violation of these rules results in the opposing team getting field position closer to their territory.
Equipment Required: Ball similar to a soccer ball and cleats. Optional: shin guards.
Related Pages
- See our large list of other New Sports
- Complete list of unusual sports