Here are some suggestions for adding to the new sport section. If you have your own new sport, please submit it here.
- Droneboarding - just what it sounds like, a snowboarder being pulled through the snow by a powerful drone.
- Targetball - a new sport from India
- Stride: They should make Stride an actual sport. It's from the anime Prince of Stride and it's a mix between a sprint relay and parkour.
- Urban Rail Walking (URW) - an offshoot of parkour, walking on hand rails in an urban environment. (think slacklining, but on handrails, (from facebook)). YouTube channels has a few videos, including a How-to video
- Sabakiball - a little like handball. The object is to score goals by striking the BakiPin with the BakiBall. You can strike the pin directly or by re-bounding the ball off of the BakiBoard.
- Rapid Ball - played on standard Squash court with an official Racquet-Ball ball.
- Pelt Ball Club - throw and catch for points
- Run & Out - created in 2009 at the 10th Primary School of Ioannina, Greece, by Physical education and sports teacher Mike Mertzianidis. The aim is to run from one corner of the field to the other, while the defense is trying to "burn" each attacker and get them out. (
- Canoeing Darts is an outdoor team sport consisting of elements from different sports from canoeing and darts . Each team consists of a bagpadler and a forpadler. The team starts on land and runs after the start signal down to their canoe, after which sailed under a set route. The route consists of at least 1 more than 5 dartboards. There thrown three arrows at each dartboard on the route. The team with the most points wins the competition. Points count for points obtained on dart slices divided by the time spent to implement the field. There's a video on youtube, search "kanodart". A short lived new sport.
- Bikekour - a parkour based activity using a bike. Bikekour is not yet a sport, though it it sounds like it may be in the future.
- Rolley-Pulley
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