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Isometric Stretching

Isometric stretching is a type of static stretching (meaning it does not use motion) which involves the resistance of muscle groups through tensing of the stretched muscles. Isometric stretching is one of the fastest ways to develop increased static or passive flexibility, and is much more effective than either passive stretching or active stretching alone.Isometric stretching is quite demanding on the muscle tendons and joints, and therefore should not be performed more than once per day for a given group of muscles.

upper body stretching upper body stretching

The most common ways to provide the needed resistance for an isometric stretch are to apply resistance manually to one's own limbs, to have a partner apply the resistance, or to use a wall or the floor to provide resistance.

Static Stretching Technique

  1. Assume the position of a passive stretch for the desired muscle.
  2. Tense the stretched muscle for 7-15 seconds (resisting against some force that will not move, like the floor or a partner).
  3. Relax the muscle for at least 20 seconds and repeat.


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Medicine Extra

There are many Sporting Injuries to know about, some Specific to Certain Sports. There's information about Injury Tretament, but Prevention is better, including by performing a Warm-Pp before each fitness session, which should include some Stretching.

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