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The new sport of Stairball was created by Peter Germ of Georgia, United States in January 2016. The sport, as indicated in the name, is played on a set of 7-8 stairs with a top and bottom zone. There are 3 players per side: 1 hitter and 2 on the stairs. There are 5 x 5 minute periods. The team with the most points at the end wins.


Play begins with one hitter, who will be in the top or bottom zone, hitting the ball into play with his stick. The other two players of each team face their backs to their team's hitter.

The goal of the game is for the players to hit the ball into the zone they face at the start of play.

The offensive team is described as the team whose hitter starts with the ball.


Upon a score, the ball will be given to the hitter occupying the zone in which the ball landed.


Upon a score, the man advantage is null, no matter how much time is remaining on the sentence.

equipment required: Any ball 2-2.15 inches in diameter. Sticks for every player with a handle of 8.5" and a blade of 6". One set of 7-8 stairs.

Disclaimer: Playing on stairs can cause injury. I highly recommend you do not play without proper supervision and protection.


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