Standing Triple Jump athletics events are part of the Sportshall series designed for the indoor use of school age competitors. This test involves a hop, step and jump from a standing position, and tests the co-ordination and leg strength of the participants. It differs from the outdoor traditional long jump in that there is no run up allowed and a met is used rather than a sandpit. This is just a brief outline of the event, for more details see official literature. A good introduction to this event is the 5 Strides Event.
Equipment Required
- A triple jump mat - which has a number of take off lines at one meter intervals allowing for users of all ages and abilities. The landing section is calibrated, which allows for the easy measuring of jumps.
General Procedure
- A practice jump is permitted so that the athlete can determine their take off line.
- The athlete must stand with both feet behind the selected take off line, usually with one foot in front of the other. They are allowed to crouch or have a rocking motion leading up to the jump. The free leg may be used to generate momentum by raising the knee up and down, while the take off foot can be rocked from heel to toe as long as some part of the foot remains in contact with the mat.
- The hop involves a one footed take off with the athlete landing onto the same foot, then a step is taken onto the other foot, then the jump is performed by finally landing on both feet.
- If the athlete steps back after landing, or falls back or touches the mat or floor behind their heel, a no jump is recorded.
- Measurement is taken from the take off line to the back of the closest heel on landing.
Related Pages
- About Sportshall
- All Track and Filed Events
- Olympic Games track and field events
- Commonwealth Games athletics events