Sports are not just known by their English language name around the world. We have made lists of the names of sports in many of the languages of the world. The data was extracted using the Toolforge website.
Sport names in other languages
- American Football — e.g. Amerika futbolu, Amerikkalainen jalkapallo, Amerískur fótbolti.
- Archery — e.g. Bogfimi, Airchery, Pamamana.
- Association Football (Soccer) — e.g. Fußball, Futbalo, Futbolas.
- Badminton — e.g. Bulu tangkis, Бадминтон, Badmantan.
- Baseball — e.g. Bóng chày, Béisbol, Honkbal.
- Basketball — e.g. Basketbol, Basketboi, Bola basket.
- Boxing — e.g. Bòks, Boxeo, Boxen.
- Cricket — e.g. Kriketi, Крыкет, Críquete.
- Cycling — e.g. Ciclisme, Fahrradfahren, Cyklistika.
- Fencing — e.g. Fechten, Eskrima, Lawan pedang.
- Golf — e.g. Gholf, Gofu, Golfo, Qolf.
- Gymnastics — e.g. Senam, Torna, Gimnastika.
- Handball — e.g. Balonmano, Rokomet, Mell-dorn.
- Ice Hockey — e.g. Jääkiekko, Hoki es, Alsulegia glacialis.
- Lacrosse — e.g. Crosse, Crosógaíocht, Lakrosas.
- Rugby League — e.g. Rugbi a 13, Rygbi'r gynghrair, Liga rugbi.
- Rugby Union — e.g. Регби, Rugby a 15, Hamabosteko errugbi.
- Softball — e.g. Софтбол, Softbolas, Pehmepall, Sagtebal.
- Squash — e.g. Fallabda, Skuas, Skuasy, Muurbal.
- Swimming — e.g. Natació, Peldēšana, Swemmsport.
- Table Tennis — e.g. Pĭng-pŏng-giù, Tafeltennis, Pöytätennis.
- Tennis — e.g. Tenisi, Leadóg, Tenėsos, Teniswan.
- Ten-Pin Bowling — e.g. Kryngle, Bovlingo, Keilailu.
- Triathlon — e.g. Триатлон, Triatló, Triatlon, Driekamp.
- Volleyball — e.g. Voleibol, Odbojka, Tinklinis, Pallavvolu, Vlugbal.
- Water Polo — e.g. Piłka wodna, Veepall, Vaterpoloja, Chúi-kiû, Sutopu.
- Weightlifting — e.g. Halterofilia, Vzpieranie, Angkat wesi.
- Wrestling — e.g. Lutte, Brottning, Maadlus, Buno.
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- National Team Nicknames — many sporting teams from around the world have another name by which they are more well known
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