The new sport of Rush Ball was created by Pierluigi Pascarella of England in March, 2014. Rush Ball is a new team focused game. Invented and influenced by various video games and sports. A new different type of sport that anyone can get into.
Where most games the ground is the normal ground, e.g. grass, concrete, etc. In this sport the ground are trampolines or a trampoline court. If you've ever played paintball or American football this game will be very familiar and different at the same time. We recommend this game for people aged 16 and above, or 18 and above if you wish. You will need a lot of space for this game. The court is usually made up of three large trampolines place next to each other, or a trampoline court, or you can come up with your own new court idea.
- Game is a 4 vs. 4 game. No goalkeeper.
- This is a no contact game, in order to get someone 'downed' you must shoot them 10 times with your paintball gun.
- When someone is downed they leave the game for 10 seconds, after 10 seconds they will be allowed back onto the court.
- You cannot shoot if you are holding the American football.
- In order to score you can, 1, do a throw goal which is worth 2 points, or 2, do a touch down which is worth a normal 1 point. (We usually use football/soccer goals for this).
- Winners are found out after 3 matches, winner of 2 matches wins, matches are usually 5 minutes long, which in total makes a game of 15 minutes long.
- You can pass the American football by doing front and back passes to your teammates.
- You must be at least a few feet away to shoot someone with the paintball gun (we usually do 5 feet away).
- Trampolines or trampoline court.
- American football.
- Paintball guns and paintball clothing/armor padding.
- Goals.
Related Pages
- Other new sports
- Complete list of unusual sports