Roughball is a new sport created by Sean from the USA in July 2014. For roughball, the field size is currently 90 ft long and 60-70 ft wide. Goal size is currently 6 ft wide and 3-4 feet tall. You hold a ball about the size in the middle of a baseball and softball, and must throw it in the goal in a 1 minute possession period.
equipment-required: Roughball, goals, gloves (optional)
Taps - If your opponent touches the ball or the hand with the ball you must drop the ball.
- Goalkeeper (1): Guards the goal; Doesn't have to follow Taps but must stay in goalie arch
- Guard (2): Defensive players who stays close to goal on the striker or go after one of the guard with the striker while the other guard stays in front of goal, while on defense. Guards stay at the half line on offense. They also bring up the ball like Point Guards from basketball
- Winger (2): The left and right wingers are offensive players who stay in the corners on offense, then stay in the corners playing on the opposing wingers
- Striker (1): Very offensive player who stays in front of the goal on offense, but on defense plays on the opposing two Guards, alone or with one guard.
Related Pages
- Other New Sports
- Complete list of unusual sports