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Topend Sports Newsletter: 16 May 2018

reliability of skinfolds

Reliability, validity and consistency in testing

Performance and fitness testing is fast becoming a common component of sports coaching and development, whether you are setting benchmarks, identifying areas of weakness for development or more commonly talent identification in sporting codes.
Understanding reliability, validity and consistency in testing is essential for you to be acknowledged as a professional in today’s world of data analytics and use of data for coaching and development outcomes anywhere in the world.
Without reliability the testing is useless, the environment of testing is inconsistent with untrained interns or students performing the physical testing and no formal flow or control of the environment creating a combination of errors in inter and intra trial and inter and intra tester reliability.
Additionally, protocols are often misinterpreted and results compared to unidentical processes. Examples include starting on or behind the line in acceleration tests, conversion of test distances between imperial and metric and testing on different surfaces for different cohorts of athletes.
In order to have global normative data to compare development or talent reliably, the industry needs to agree and adhere to common objectives including which protocols to use, how to perform them, what environments are considered valid or acceptable and how we communicate deviation and error. All of these considerations are evaluated in professional and elite fitness testing laboratories and must be strongly educated to sub-elite, development and participation field testing service providers.
Testing must have a purpose and not be performed for the sake of it. Identifying the reason for the testing will create four further questions that must also be considered before going ahead with an event:
  • Why test?
  • What are you testing?
  • Who are you testing?
  • Which test will you choose?
Once we have answers to questions we can then design and participate in a valid test event.
Create a great testing environment – Validity + Consistent Environment = Reliability
Newsletter Advertising
This newsletter on reliability for fitness testing is sponsored by GPT EDUCATE, who provide professional learning for reliable performance and wellness testing in sport and active living. Details about their latest course are listed below, with an exclusive discount code for readers of this newsletter.
Global Performance Testing Online Course
Global Performance Testing is a leader in servicing the industry at scale and has now launched their GPTQA Level 1 course online and this is your chance to enrol with at an “early bird” special price.

Upon completion you will be able to:
  • Foster a culture of quality and reliability in field testing.
  • Provide a competitive advantage over people and coaches that are not accredited.
  • Present a working knowledge of the purpose, delivery and interpretation of reliable field testing on people.
  • Provide unbiased interpretation of services and data outcomes by third-party providers.
  • Promote the importance of quality assurance and processes around professional field testing on people including your personal and/or clients responsibility for reliability.
There is a large range of fitness testing content on Topend Sports, here are some of the popular pages.
NEW CONTENT on Topend Sport
UPCOMING Major Sporting Events (see all for 2018)
Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology, Exercise Testing, and Physical Fitness
This comprehensive text is a useful resource for the exercise science professional, athletic trainer, coach, or physical educator. There are more than 40 labs covering seven major components of physical fitness. They are practical and easy to follow, consisting of a clear, logical format that includes background information, step-by-step procedures, explanatory photographs, sample calculations, norms and classification tables, and worksheets. Activities and questions provide opportunities to practice the procedures and explore issues of validity, reliability, and accuracy.
"My fitness journey will be a lifelong journey" 
(Khloe Kardashian, US entertainer)


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