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Topend Sports Newsletter: 12 Jan 2015

Sports Science News Alert #011

Bringing you the latest news in sport, science, fitness and nutrition

Welcome to the first newsletter for 2015 from Topend Sports, the ultimate online sport and science resource. The theme for this newsletter is the year in review and a focus on fitness resolutions, including tips on how to achieve your fitness goals for 2015.

It can be a tough time for you or your clients if you struggle with keeping or getting fit and healthy after a busy Festive Season! What new exercise trend should you be doing to burn fats faster, which of the latest superfoods are best for me? My advice is to ditch the newest fad diet, and get back to the basics of tried and tested methods. This is usually the best starting point, plus always think critically about everything you read. Deciphering the truth from all the abundance of often misleading information out there is a task in itself. Things that sound too good to be true, usually are.

There is a lot of good information available for free online (including my website!), and in this newsletter I have included information to help you set yourself up easily and cheaply to get fit at home. Happy New Year, may all your health and fitness goals come true.


In the News

The Scientists' Year in Review: Our colleagues the Sport Scientists have published their year in review with summaries of the debate on the sub 2-hour marathon and the never ending debate on doping in sports.

Nutrition Trends for 2015: The conscienhealth website has listed 10 Nutrition, Health & Fitness Trends for 2015, including my most frustrating trend of late the cherry-picking of statistics by the media to justify any viewpoint, which only serves to confuse the public more.


Home Fitness

Home Fitness Test
It is not easy to get fit and stay fit. However, it is easy to make excuses - you cannot get to the gym, you have no time, you can't afford it, or the weather may not be suitable to get outdoors and exercise. There is no excuse to avoid exercising completely, on Topend Sports' Home Fitness Section you'll find information about exercises that you can do at home with limited equipment, which can easily slot it into your busy schedule.

Fitness for Dummies (Ad)

Fitness for Dummies Book

Do you need more help to achieve your fitness goals in 2015? The book Fitness For Dummies provides the latest information and advice for properly shaping, conditioning, and strengthening your body to enhance overall fitness and health.

The book includes advice on how to set and achieve realistic fitness goals without expensive fitness club fees! Also, get the latest tips and methods to test your own fitness level, set realistic goals, stick with your program, and get great results.


That's all for this week. Thanks for subscribing to this newsletter. If you have any feedback or suggestions for the content of future newsletters, please let me know. If you are new to this newsletter, you might want to browse the archive of past newsletters. Use the links below to contact me on my website, via email or on social media. See you next time.

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