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Hi and welcome to the May 2009 fitness testing newsletter about fitness testing equipment.
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Fitness testing Equipment
What equipment do you need if you want to conduct testing? It depends on a whole lot of factors. A very adequate test regemin could be designed with minimal equipment and little cost, if that is what you require. With the range of tests available, the final equipment list you end up with is pretty much unlimited.
Factors to Consider
The first step is to identify which components of fitness you want to test, and then what tests for each of these components and the equipment for those tests. Just some of the things that you will need to consider are:
- Whether norms are available for the tests.
- The accuracy required (is it for reaseach?).
- If the tests are appropriate for the population/sport you will be testing.
- if any routine maintenance and/or calibration is required.
- The costs to purchase and maintain the equipment.
- Number of staff required to conduct the tests.
- Field based or laboratory/indoor based tests?
- How long to conduct the tests/testing large groups at once.
- The size of the equipment relative to the space you have available.
- ease of data collection and interpretation.
Example Fitness Testing Packages
Here is a basic list of equipment that would be adequate for a basic general testing battery of body composition, health check, flexibility, strength endurance, speed and endurance. These are just ideas; there are many other options that may suit your particular situation.
- Bodyweight scales and height measure (stadiometer or tape measure to pin to the wall)
- Body composition using a skinfold caliper (or use a tape measure for girth measurements)
- Blood Pressure Monitor
- Sit & Reach Box (just a ruler can be used)
- Mini Peak Flow Meter (to measure lung function)
- Step Test Box (also Heart Rate Monitor is useful for some step test protocols)
- Sit up and push up tests can be used for strength endurance tests. Just a ground mat is required for these, though some test protocols require a cd recording, like the beep test.
- Stop watch for speed and agility testing, marker cones
Some more advanced items include:
- Handgrip Dynamometer (for grip strength)
- Exercise cycle or treadmill for more advance endurance test or cardiac monitoring
- Vertec® (or other vertical jump measurement device)
- Timing gates (for speed and agility testing)
- Weight gym equipment for strength testing
Need More Info?
To see more information about equipment for fitness testing:
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Rob Wood
Rob's Home of Fitness Testing
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