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Hi and welcome to the December 2008 fitness testing newsletter. The last few newsletters have been few and far between as I have been traveling with my family. If you are interested in where we are, you can read my travel blog (
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This newsletter is about the steps you should consider when preparing your subjects for fitness testing.
Why have preparation guidelines?
For any fitness assessment, it is recommended that you ensure that your athletes are primed physically to perform to their potential, and achieve their maximum possible score. If all participants follow the same procedures, such as those outlined below, ensuring that they are in the same physical state, then comparisons are more valid. If the same procedures are followed for each testing session, then you will get better reliability for the results.
The Physical Guidelines
- Avoid heavy strenuous exercise for the 24 hours prior to testing. No exercise at all on the day of testing to ensure all athletes are well rested.
- Wear appropriate clothing for the conditions (e.g. shorts/track pants and t-shirt/singlet/sports top) and non-slip athletic footwear with laces securely fastened.
- Remove restrictive jewelry, watches, bracelets or hanging earrings that may get caught in equipment.
- No one is to participate in the testing if they are suffering any injury or illness that is likely to worsen as a result of participation, or they are unwell/not in good general health.
- Warm-up appropriately prior to the commencement of testing.
- Cool down after testing. Do not all the subjects to sit or lie down immediately following maximal exercise. Following the completion of testing continue moderate-to light aerobic activity (jog or walk) for 5 minutes followed by some light stretching of both the upper and lower body.
The Nutritional Guidelines
- Ensure all athletes are well nourished on the day of testing.
- Where possible, they should consume a high carbohydrate diet in the 24 hours prior to the testing sessions (such as pasta, potatoes, cereals, toast, fruit etc.).
- In the two hours before completing the tests they should not consume a heavy meal; however, they are strongly advised to have eaten some food in the four hours preceding testing.
- Caffeine products (such as coffee, cola or tea) should be avoided on the day of testing.
- Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products should be avoided 24 hours prior to testing.
- Ensure all subjects are fully hydrated, particularly in hot conditions. Drink regularly in the days leading up to the test, particularly in the 12 hours prior to testing.
- Top up body fluids by drinking water regularly throughout the testing session, and continue to consume adequate fluids following exercise to replace any fluids lost during testing.
Need More Info?
These guidelines have been published online at:
About this Newsletter
Fitness testing news and latest information, including notification of updates to the ultimate source of all fitness testing information - 'Rob's Home of Fitness Testing'. Topics covered include methods for measuring body fat, shuttle run beep test issues, strength and power testing and much more.
Thank you for your ongoing support of my site.
Rob Wood
Rob's Home of Fitness Testing
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