Middleball is a fun new sport which uses a beach ball, a net system, and is played in a racquetball court. In the easiest way to understand play, a racquetball court can be divided into two sides for two teams to play against each other. To spice this sport up a little more, the racquetball court can be divided into 4 or 8 sections with the netting system.
The rules are easy to learn:
- The net system can be set up at any height agreeable to all participants.
- If the ball lands in your court section, all other teams receive a point.
- First team to 21 points wins the game.
- Any player whose height is close to the top of the net must hit the ball at an upward angle.
Middleball is poised to become the next big sport because ..
- A large percentage of the population can play this fun new sport.
- Hitting or kicking a beach ball around an indoor court is fun!
- Middleball is a "safer" sport than traditional indoor sports.
- The indoor court infrastructure is already built.
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- Complete list of unusual sports