The Spider-Man Lunge exercise (also known as the Spiderman Climb) is a variation of the lunge, a body weight exercise. This exercise work on the flexibility of you hips, hamstrings and lower back, and also the hamstring muscle strength. This exercise is part of the Superhero workout.
Equipment Required: none
- Start in the top of the push-up position.
- Keeping your hips down, and bring your foot up and place it just outside your hand position on the same side.
- Return the foot to the starting position, and repeat with the other leg.
- If you have poor flexibility, be careful not to overstretch. Bring your foot up half way, and as your mobility increases, slowly work your way to bringing your foot up right beside your hand.
Related Pages
- All about the Lunge Exercise
- See also the Spider-Man Push Up.
- This exercise is part of the Superhero workout
- Other lunges: Exercises at home - the lunge and Lunges at the beach
- Pregnancy Exercises: Side Lunge, Forward Lunge
- Dumbbell Exercises: Reverse Lungeand Forward Lunge