The Leg Raise Test measures core stability by completing as many leg raises as possible whilst supporting body weight, all in time to a beep recording. This test was used in testing for Australia's Greatest Athlete (2010), and called the Diving Challenge. Also check out the similar Leg Tuck Test.
test purpose: The leg raise test measures the control and endurance of the core stabilizing muscles.
equipment required: leg raise machine, metronome or cadence recording. A beep recording can be created using the Team BeepTest software.
pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender and test conditions. See more details of pre-test procedures.
procedure: The aim of this test is to perform as many leg lifts as possible, in time to recorded beeps (the original rate is not known, but may be similar to that used for the push up). The participants start in the leg raise machine, with their weight supported on their elbows and forearms and legs hanging down. When ready, the metronome or beeps are started. The subject must raise the legs (keeping the knees straight) to a horizontal position and then back again. The test is over when the subject is unable to perform the action correctly in time to the beeps.
scoring: The score is the maximum number of complete repetitions successfully performed.
advantages: this test is simple to perform and can be self-administered.
disadvantages: the required equipment may not be readily available.
The Test in Action
- This test is used for assessing Australia's Greatest Athlete.
Similar Tests
- Similar Leg Tuck Test.
Related Pages
- Other Strength Endurance Tests