Kick-Tennis is a new sport created by Ned Olorondu from Houston, Texas in March 1, 2015. The sport involves doubles (2 players each team) creating plays by passing and scoring. The way to score is by when the Primary Striker kicks the ball to where the other team can't retrieve it. He says "Have fun playing this awesome sport!"
The game starts with a coin toss. The team that wins it can choose to do the kick serve or let the other team do it. There are 2 halves each lasting 15 minutes. If the teams are tied when the game is over, then they do the sudden death serve-off, where there is a third coin toss, but the winner of this one gets to choose whether it is a best 2/3 or 4/5 serve-off. the winner of that wins the game. The Primary Striker is like the average player in soccer. They only use their feet, while the Secondary Striker may use his feet or hands. However, the Secondary Striker cannot try to score, only pass. Each score is worth 1 point.
Equipment: Sport: Ball, Net. For the players, Shirt, shorts, socks/shoes, Accessories (optional)
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