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Juggling Coordination Test

The Juggling Coordination Test is a simple coordination and general motor skill test. Participants attempt to keep an object in the air, hitting it from hand-to-hand.

Stick Flip Coordination TestJuggling Coordination Test

test purpose: to measure hand-eye coordination and dexterity.

equipment required: an object to toss (something light such as a crumpled paper ball, shuttlecock, folded pair of socks etc.), stopwatch timer.

procedure: The participant stands comfortably with the object in the palm of one hand. When ready, they toss the object above the height of their head. As it comes down, they use the opposite hand to hit it back into the air. They continue this action hitting the object with alternate hands, keeping it in the air (for two minutes maximum).

variation: An alternative method is to use a ball and catch it reaches each hand rather hitting it up.

scoring: Count the number of hits/throws before the object falls to the ground. Alternatively, time how long they can keep the object on the air.

rating number of hits
poor <10
fair 10-19
good 20-29
very good 30-39
excellent >40

* this norm table has been made up to give you a starting point for scoring. Adjust it as you see fit.

comments: this is not a commonly used test, and as far as we know it has not been tested for validity or reliability.

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