Australian football clubs in recent years have been looking to widen their net and recruit athletes from overseas and from different sports. International combine events have now been held for many years, discovering athletes from other sports such as basketball, NFL and soccer backgrounds. AFL Combines are conducted in the USA, New Zealand, Europe, throughout the Pacific region, China and South Africa. These international combines use the same tests as conducted at the AFL Draft Combine. Here are some selected details of international combines that have been held since 2010.
- 2010 — A combine was held as part of the AFL Youth (u/16) Oceania Cup tournament schedule
- 2011 — a combine was held as part of the AFL Youth Oceania Cup tournament in Fiji in December 2011.
- 2012 — the AFL held the inaugural AFL USA Combine in Los Angeles, and another was held at the National Basketball Arena in Tallaght, Dublin.
- 2013 — an international combine was held in LA, and another in Dublin Ireland, and Wellington NZ.
- 2014 — an international combine was held in Los Angeles, and a European combine in Dublin, and a New Zealand combine.
- 2015 — an international combine was held in Sarasota, Florida in April 2015. A combine was held in New Zealand.
- 2016 — combines were held in USA, New Zealand and Europe
- 2017 — combines were held in USA, New Zealand and Europe
- 2018 — combines were held in Ireland and New Zealand
- 2019 - combines were held in Ireland and New Zealand?
Successful Athletes
Some of the US athletes who have received AFL International Rookie listing after attending US International Combines include Eric Wallace (North Melbourne), Jason Holmes (St Kilda), Patrick Mitchell (Sydney Swans), Mason Cox (Collingwood).
Related Pages
- AFL Draft Camp Top Scores for each year.
- Description of the AFL Draft Camp/Combine Tests.
- About the Women's AFL Combine