This test was developed by B. E. Phillips (1957) to measure the ability of individuals to perform basic fundamental motor skills which are related to strength, power, speed, agility, and endurance. There are also references to a modified version of the test by Cooper in 1963.
The JCR test assesses basic motor skills such as jumping, chinning and running, hence the name JCR. This test is an example of a test protocol that combines the scores of a range of tests into a single score or fitness index (see other examples), which attempts to provide simple meaningful feedback to the athlete.
What Tests Are Used?
- Vertical Jump — this is a test of leg power. Participants attempt to jump as high as possible from a standing start.
- Chin-Up — this is a test of upper body strength. The subject grasps a bar above the head with palms facing forward, then pulls up until the chin is above the bar, then return to the straight arm position. Repeat as many times as possible.
- 100-yard shuttle run — The subject runs a ten-yard course ten times back and forth between two markers ten yards apart. The total time is measured in seconds.
Ideally the scores from each of the fitness tests should be combined and converted to a single score, though no details of such a method can be found. Roger (1963) listed the following norms, which may have come from the original paper by Phillips in 1947.
These norms based on 3,788 sample scores. The rating categories are as follows:
- Excellent: 197 and up
- Good: 170 to 195
- Average: 129 to 171
- poor: 105 to 126
- Very poor: 103 and below
- Phillips, B.E. (1947). The JCR test. Res Q. 1947 Mar;18(1):12-29.
- Anderson, Floyd Roger. (1963) A study to develop a Montana State University motor fitness test battery and test norms. Master's Thesis, The University of Montana.
Related Pages
- Other examples of a single fitness index including the SPARQ and RealFit rating systems.