What year did it become illegal for athletes at the Olympic Games to use drugs to enhance their performance during competition.
This poll/quiz question about drug taking at the Olympics has been superseded by the Olympic History Quiz. This page has been kept as it contains more information about such sports and events.
We ran this quiz question on Topend Sports for a long time. What do you think? Check the answer below and see how many peope got it right.
The correct answer is 1967. The first list of banned substances produced by the IOC included narcotic analgesics and stimulants, which comprised sympathomimetic amines, psychomotor stimulants and miscellaneous central nervous system stimulants. Anabolic steroids were not included (although suspected of being used) as accurate testing methods had not been developed. Anabolic steroids were added to the banned substances list in 1975.
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What year did it become illegal for athletes at the Olympic Games to use drugs to enhance their performance during competition. |
Total votes: 471 |
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