Forceball, also called Collball, is a very fun sport that needs strength, patience and the ability to have a great time. The sport was created by the Collins kids, from The U.S.A, in January 2020.
Equipment Required: Grip gloves, breathable shirt, shorts and non-stick shoes.
A rectangular court with two lines on the short sides and a circle in the middle about 1 foot by 1 foot. The court should be 24 feet by 18 feet.
Sport Description
A referee bounces a ball in the middle of the court. Four players, two from each team, run to the ball.
Whichever player catches the ball, must throw it to an opponent, forcefully in hope of getting them out.
If that person drops or runs away from the ball, they will be out. The team that threw the ball gets 1 point.
If they catch the ball, they have one chance to throw the ball to their line catcher for 5 points or throw forcefully to an opponent for 1.
A line catcher is behind a line on the court. There is one for each team.
There is also a line blocker that could block the throw for 1 point. They stand behind the line next to the line catcher for the other team.
There are 3 quarters with 20 minutes in each.
Related Pages
- See other New Sports
- Complete list of unusual sports