The Footeval Test is an incremental and intermittent football (soccer) specific test designed by Manouvrier et al. (2016). The test is based on the 20m shuttle test, though it incorporates dribbling of a soccer ball and 30 second rest periods after every minute.
test purpose: to measure aerobic fitness and skill in soccer players.
equipment required: 30m x 10m grassed field area, measuring tape, marker cones, soccer balls, soccer goal, portable barrier for reflecting the kicked ball, audio track and audio player.
pre-test: Explain the test procedures to the subject. Perform screening of health risks and obtain informed consent. Prepare forms and record basic information such as age, height, body weight, gender, test conditions. Measure and mark out the course. Ensure that the participants are adequately warmed-up. See more details of pre-test procedures.
course setup: Mark out the testing area as illustrated. There is a shooting area (2m x 0.5m), which is 10 meters from a goal. From this point in the other direction are four cones 2.5m apart. Barriers are placed to either side after that, leading to the turning point 19 meters from the start. (these details were interpreted from the text and images in Manouvrier et al. (2016), though the details were not clearly explained).
levels: The level step is designed as a warm-up and lasts two minutes. All following levels last for one minute and are followed by a recovery phase of thirty seconds. The first level begins at 6.5km/h and the speed required is increased by 0.5 km/h each level.
procedure: The participant begins at the goal end, dribbling the ball around the cones. After the last cone, the player plays the ball against a barrier to the side, traps the ball after the rebound, and continues dribbling the ball to the end line. The player stops the ball at the line and waits for the audio cue to start back the other way. This time the player dribbles the ball straight back to the shooting area and kicks towards the goal. The test continues until they are unable to keep up with the audio track. Also, the test is ended if the player makes more than two technical errors within a level (e.g. bad passes, bad shots, or bad ball control).
scoring: The total number of shuttles is recorded.
disadvantages: usually only a single player can do the test at once
comments: This is a relatively new test and not widely used. It seems to be well designed and obviously applicable to the sport of football (soccer), and has been the subject of several validation studies.
- Manouvrier, C. Cassirame, J. Julien, H. Proposition d'un test d'évaluation des qualités du 17 joueur de Football. XVème Congrès ACAPS, (2013)
- Manouvrier, C., Cassirame, J., & Ahmaidi, S. (2016). Proposal for a Specific Aerobic Test for Football Players: The "Footeval". Journal of sports science & medicine, 15(4), 670–677.
- Manouvrier, C & Cassirame, Johan & Levitre, J & Ahmaidi, Said. (2016). Footeval test, what are the determinants of performance?
- Manouvrier, C & Cassirame, Johan & Ahmaidi, Said. (2017). The Sensitivity of the Footeval Test To Different Training Modes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
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Related Pages
- About Testing for Intermittent Sports
- Beep Test Modifications
- About Testing for Intermittent Sports
- About fitness testing for soccer.
- About Skill Testing for Soccer
- You may be able to use the Team BeepTest software to create the audio for this test.