FitnessAge is an online fitness assessment tool, that is used by health professionals to conduct a series of physical tests on an individual or group, then record the results and calculate the FitnessAge of a person (find out if you have the fitness level of a 45 year old?).
What Tests Are Used?
FitnessAge assessments may only be conducted by qualified and certified personal trainers, who are knowledgeable in the procedures and techniques of fitness testing. Standard tests of fitness are used in the Fitness Age assessment. The equipment needed to perform these tests are a 10 and 12 inch step, skin fold calipers, tape measure, weight scale, exercise mat, and an internet connection to enter and process results. These are the tests used:
- Anthropometry - Body measurements (height, weight) and skinfolds
- Aerobic - resting heart rate, recovery rate (3-minute step test)
- Flexibility - Sit and Reach
- Strength - Sit ups (1 minute), Push ups (until fatigue)
What is Fitness Age?
Results from each test component is used to determine an age rating (basically the average age of someone someone achieving that score). The age rating for each component (BodyAge, CardioAge, FlexAge and StrengthAge) is averaged to determine the person's FitnessAge score. It is inferred that your FitnessAge score means you have the fitness level of someone of that age. Really it is just a nifty way of rating your fitness - you could just as easily be scored as excellent, average or poor etc. By presenting the information in this way it is easy for people to visualize the meaning of the score and be motivated to make it better.
Is it Worthwhile?
There is a different cost structure for facilities (such as clubs, spas, wellness, weight loss centers) and independent trainers. Each has a subscription cost per month plus an small cost per assessment. There is also a set up fee. For some this may be worthwhile, as you get a good database for storing results and printing reports, and your clients may feel like they are getting value for their assessment payment with an online system and novel yet interesting reporting of results.
Related Links
Related Pages
- World Fitness Level — online VO2max and fitness age calculator based on questions.
- More on the measurement of a fitness index
- Links to other fitness testing products
- more software