The new sport of boxball was created by Chris Nand from London in 2002. His idea is for a video game of this sport, but it could also be played for real. Boxball is a mixture of football, boxing and karate, played on a grass field.
Equipment Required: Game players wearing soccer outfits, soft boxing type of gloves and soft boots or trainers.
Sport Description
- Number of players per team are either 5, 6 or 11 a side, including the goalkeeper.
- The players are allowed to use their feet or punch the ball with their fists or karate kick the ball away before a player is in a position to head the ball.
- There are no corners, throw-ins or offside rules but it can be included if necessary.
- Free kicks are awarded if a punch, a kick or elbow lands on a players face, stomach and below belt.
- Penalty kick is warded if fouls mentioned above are committed in the penalty area.
- A referee is required to decide when a foul has been committed and a goal has been scored.
- The first team that reaches 10 goals is the winner.
- Lights flash on the screen when a goal has been scored to celebrate, similar as soccer is played in the UK.
Related Pages
- Other New Sports
- Complete list of unusual sports