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The Cadence Bench Press Test

The Cadence Bench Press Test is a mp3 download available to download for free from this site. The test is at a rate of 25 complete reps per minute (1 bench press every 2.4 seconds), to be used when conducting one of the cadence bench press tests described on this site (e.g. Bench Press Beep and the Relative Bench Press Test).

bench press beep testDownload the Cadence Bench Press Test (MP3)

This audio track counts your bench press at a cadence of 25 reps per minute, for two minutes. With this product you will not get a hardcopy of the cd, just an audio file to download. For the test procedure see theĀ Bench Press Beep.

Make Your Own

If you did not want to purchase this product, you could also make your own beep recording using the Team Bleep Test Software. You can also customize the software to run many other beep-type tests too.

Make Your Own

If you did not want to purchase this product, you could also make your own beep recording using the Team Bleep Test Software. You can also customize the software to run many other beep-type tests too.

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