Speed and explosive power are important components of success in many sports. Below is a comprehensive list of strength and power fitness tests. For more information about speed and power, or if you are unsure what is the best test to use, see this other page about speed and power fitness testing. There are other tests of the 'anaerobic' system - see also the list of strength and strength endurance tests and anaerobic capacity tests.

Muscular Power Tests
Jumping and Running Tests
- Vertical Jump Tests — a jump for height, measuring leg power.
- Vertical Jump variations: using timing mat, test at home, off one step, off one leg, with a run up (basketball), no arms, NHL combine (force plate) and the AFL running version.
- Vertical Jump in the water (for water polo players)
- Max Touch (a vertical jump test)
- Bosco ErgoJump Tests: Squat Jump, Squat Jump with extra weight, CounterMovement Jump, Abalakov Jump, Drop Jump, Repetitive Jump. More about the Bosco Protocols.
- Drop Jump — a test of leg strength and power which requires the athlete to drop off a box and immediately jump as high as they can. Also see the Incremental Drop Jump, used for measuring the Reactive Strength Index.
- Standing Long (Broad) Jump Test — jump off two legs for maximal distance, a measure of leg power.
- Standing Triple jump — hop, step and jump, starting from a standing position.
- 2-Hop Jump — perform two consecutive horizontal jumps off both feet
- 3-Hop Test — three consecutive horizontal jumps, taking off both legs at once.
- Penta Jump (5-Hop Test) — perform five consecutive horizontal jumps off both feet.
- Margaria-Kalamen Power Test
- Power Clean Max Lift Test — power test based on the maximum weight lifted using the power clean exercise.
Throwing and Hitting tests
- Seated Medicine Ball Throw
- Overhead Medicine Ball Throw
- Overhead Powerball Throw (kneeling)
- Standing Medicine Ball Throw
- Underhand Medicine Ball Throw
- Rotational Power Ball Throw
- Overhead Power Ball Throw
- Power Ball Chest Launch
- Shot Put Back Throw
- Basketball Throw (seated) — two-handed push power from a sitting position with the back against a wall
- Basketball Throw (kneeling) — one handed throw from the kneeling position
- Cricket Ball or Baseball Throw Test
- Softball Throw Test
- Punch Power
- Bench Press Max Power
- Sprint Tests (general)
- Sprint Tests (sport specific)
- sprint from home to first base for baseball players
- sprint 3/4 court for basketball players
- Cricket Sprint Test
- Using Radar for speed testing
- Accelerometers and GPS can be used to measure speed.
- Cycling 40m Sprint Test
- Swimming 100m Test
- Upper Body Speed: plate tapping test
- Speed/Agility Tests (See also all Agility Tests which inherently measure speed):
- 10x5m Shuttle
- 5m Multiple Shuttle — distances increasing by 5m each shuttle, 6 times for 30 seconds each time
- Punching Speed
- Dynamic Strength Index — the ratio of ballistic peak force to isometric peak force.
- Reactive Strength Index — the ratio between the height jumped and the ground contact time.
- The Jumps Decathlon — 10 events for assessing speed and power.
- Power Quadrathlon fitness test - 4 tests of speed, strength and power.
Related Pages
- About speed and power testing
- List of Muscular Strength Tests and Anaerobic Capacity tests.
- List of Testing using Medicine Balls
- information about Testing for Intermittent Sports
- About Abdominal Testing
- Training for strength and power
- All Fitness Tests List
- What are the highest ranking sports requiring speed and power?