American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (AAHPERD) Functional Fitness Test was designed for adults over the age of 60 years. The test items are designed to measure the fitness capacity of the low fitness elderly who are not yet frail, and described in a test manual by Osness (1996). The tests measure body composition, flexibility, agility, coordination, upper body strength and aerobic endurance. The tests were designed so that they could be administered by professionals and clinicians in the field who lack specialized measurement equipment, training and resources. Also read a discussion about testing the elderly.
What Tests Are Included?
These are the test components of the AAHPERD Functional Fitness Test.
- Ponderal Index — a height-weight ratio which serves as an index of body composition
- Sit and Reach Test — measuring flexibility of the trunk/leg.
- Agility Test — testing agility/dynamic balance, rising from a chair and manoeuvering around cones.
- Soda Pop Test — an arm and hand coordination test, in which you turn six soda pop cans over in a specified order, one at a time, as quickly as possible.
- Arm Curl Test — a seated biceps curl test which measures muscular strength/endurance of the upper body.
- 880 yard walk — test of aerobic endurance, walk the distance as quickly as possible.
More Information
There is also the AAHPERD Youth Fitness Test
- Furtado, Ovande, Assessing Special Populations - Aging. Presentation. Dept of Kinesiology and Sport Studies, Eastern Illinois University.
- Osness, W.H., Adrian, M., Clark, B., Hoeger, W., Raab, D. & Wisnell, R. (1990). Functional fitness assessment for adults over 60 years (a field based assessment). Reston, VA: American Alliance for Health. Physical Education Recreation and Dance (AAHPRED).
Related Pages
- Read a discussion about testing the elderly
- Other tests for seniors are the Groningen Fitness Test for the Elderly and the Senior Fitness Test
- Read about fitness testing for Specific Groups and Special Populations
- Fitness Testing for Obese and Overweight participants